This post is dedicated to my Mom. From the beginning of my seizures at 4 yrs old, my mom has been through it with me. When I was young, she always knew when I was having a seizure. She could look across a crowded room and tell that I was having a seizure. She always could tell before anyone else. I know she prayed me through many of those times. She was there for me when I couldn't drive as a 16 yr old and when the seizures came back as a young adult. She was there to support me.
Once when I was younger and sitting at the kitchen table, I had a seizure. She patiently waited for the seizure to stop and for me to come out of my confusion. Endless times during a complex partial seizure I would insist that I was fine and not seizing, yet clearly to her and others I was. She was a saint in my book for putting up with me when clearly I had no clue what was going on. What patience!
After the brain surgery she was there to rejoice with me that the seizures were gone. She was the first to notice changes in my personality and the lingering results of the resection. Though I am not around her as much anymore, she is always there to support and pray me through the rough times. She always is quick to recognize the struggles of having a brain injury. She noticed first some of my struggles with depression, and how it has and continues to change me as a person. The thing is that a mom's love never changes - no matter what way the child does. My mom is an inspiration to me of her consistent support and love she has given me both before, during, and now presently after my brain injury. I love you, Ma! Happy Mother's Day!