Saturday, February 7, 2009

Reality Check

School was frustrating yesterday. Since going back to school, this is the first class that has had group projects. Oh, what a joy. It is really stretching my repaired brain. It is starting to make me question if i made the right decision to go back to school.

These kids (as I call them since I'm twice their age!) have amazing retention and retrieval abilities. They have the ability to process information at outstanding speeds. Though they don't realize it, they are doing circles around me.

Before in other classes, I can take my time with the information once I am outside of the classroom. Group projects completed during class are a completely different story. It is storing new information, processing it, and then retrieving it back out -all in a matter of minutes. This in combination with the fact that you have much outward stimulation from others talking, sharing ideas, etc. Brain overload!!!

I'm just praying right now that I survive the rest of the semester. Though I must admit this is good exercise for my repaired brain, it is frustrating nonetheless. Yet another way I must admit that my old brain is gone, and I need to work with the new one that I have. It is times like this that I try to recall why I decided to go back to school.